The new TROX air handling units

With the TROX X-CUBE, an air handling unit with unlimited configuration options, TROX sets a new standard in the AHU market and defines considerably higher levels of quality, performance, flexibility, reliability, energy efficiency, and hygiene. Compelling all down the line. TROX now offers everything from a single source: air handling units and components – ideally complementary to each other.
For even more energy efficiency and better quality with less coordination effort.

  • For the ventilation of rooms and entire buildings, for filtering, heating, and cooling the air, for heat recovery as well as for humidification and dehumidification, and for volume flow rates of up to 86,000 m³/h
  • Flexible frame construction, completely covered externally by thermally insulated panels or doors
  • Easy installation, maintenance and cleaning
  • Significantly reduced wiring workload due to flexible control and regulation based on fieldbus technology.
  • Special hygiene construction variant according to AHU Guideline 01 (RLT-Richtlinie 01) for use in hospitals and laboratories; weatherproof construction variant for outdoor installation

Your X-CUBE Kontakt:

Sales Austria and technical consulting

Phone +43 1 250 43-0
Fax      +43 1 250 43-34
E-Mail trox@trox.at


product information


Interactively in 3D. X-CUBE - Internet Special

Interactively in 3D.

X-CUBE - Internet Special


Your X-CUBE Contact





Hotel Schani

  • Information
Project:  Hotel Schani
Area of Application: Hotels
Location: Vienna, Austria
Project Type: New Building
Completion: 04.2015

Owner: Mag. Benedikt Komarek

Architect: archisphere – gabriel kacerovsky zt gmbh
Planer: BACHER REINHOLD Dipl.-Ing.
Air Volume: 21.000 m³/h


  • Air Diffusers: HESCO Lüftungsgitter, LDD
  • Air-Water-Systems: DID-E
  • Fire and Smoke protection FK-EU, FKRS-EU
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